Damnable lies....Impeachable lies?"The latest challenge to the CIA involved a claim in Bush's State of the Union address that
Saddam had been trying to buy "significant quantities of uranium from Africa."
Bush aides have given somewhat conflicting accounts of how this claim made it into the speech.
White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said intelligence officials declared the charge incorrect
"as the information was received."
"..Condoleezza Rice said "
someone may have known" the information was false 11 months before Bush's speech,
but the White House
believed it to be true at the time.But she said the claim, attributed in the speech to the British government, was what "the intelligence community said we could say."
We must find out whether
the CIA deceived the president ... or whether it is deceiving the
public now to protect the president and the vice president."Rep. Henry Waxman
LINK...and there stands a White House In Denial"I don't believe that the president deliberately lied to the public in an attempt to scare Americans into supporting his war. But it does look as if ideologues in the administration deceived themselves about Iraq's nuclear programs — and then deceived the American public as well."
Nicholas KistofNote: **I think Mr. Kristof is giving Bush too much benefit of doubt. I believe he DID deliberately lie to scare Americans into supporting his war.**