Robert Fisk: "Shut up. Don't criticise Israel."
If you or I suggest that the Palestinians are getting a raw deal under Israeli occupation, then we are "
anti-Semitic"? BALONEY!
In America, the great land of free speech...the land whose very freedom and security rests upon accuracy-in truth in our foreign a post 9-11 world gone mad with strife borne of hatred in the Middle East...we will not be censored or silenced by those who would employ political psychology to protect and promote their agenda. We are not anti-Semitic. We are solution-seekers with a clear moral goal. That goal is peace and justice for all people.
What is Ariel Sharon's goal? What is the Palestinian Authority's goal? If either side aims for peace, their respective sides have certainly done an abominable job of showing it over the past 50 years. The hatred spewing from the conflict has spilled over to America. In case anyone hasn't noticed lately, the World Trade Centers are
missing. If we choose to speak out about actual history and if we can seek truly peaceful solutions, we are not anti-Semitic. As a matter of fact, the solution-seekers hold the higher moral ground. Those who would finger-point and cry "Anti-Semite!" should hang their heads in moral shame.
Americans recite the words "..
with liberty and justice for all..." in the Pledge of Allegiance every day. It's an ingrained American value. So shoot us already if we apply that nugget of wisdom to our ideas about fairness in the Middle East!
Incidentally, we Americans
DO pledge allegiance each AMERICA. We are not one and the same as the State of Israel. They are in political propinquity with the U.S....but never admitted to this American union as far as I recall. (
Did I miss something?) We must act in the utmost best interests of the American people. If that must include brutal honesty about the spill-over effects of terror on our American security, then let's have at it.