How can prejudice affect a Christian’s witness?
*Alternate Title #1: "William J Murray is a hypocrite, so sayeth Christ"
*Alternate Title #2: "Iddybud thinks William J Murray is a crazy ol' poopyhead"
I've asked you this question before.
Here's a new example. This person calls himself William J Murray. Beyond that, I know nothing about him..except he's a political Conservative leader cloaking himself with Christ to slander his fellow man. I see clearly that he's passing prejudgement on a soul he does not either know or possess. He sets the poorest example for true Christian witness.
*In my humble opinion, William J Murray might not know G-d if he stumbled over Him in his rush to prejudge his fellow man..all because of the prideful William J Murray's political agenda.*
Just listen to the words of Christ according to His nutty disciple William J Murray.
William J Murray says:
".."It says something about our nation that a great political party consisting of millions of Americans could possibly pick someone as mentally unstable as Howard Dean to lead their party and carry their banner into a national election..
Dissecting Dean's religious background, Murray notes that although his mother was Catholic, his father was Episcopalian and raised him in that faith.
However, when Dean met his wife, Judith Steinberg, she was Jewish. He did not want to convert to Judaism and she did not want to become a Christian. Murray said Dean and his wife contemplated becoming Unitarians as a "compromise."
"Compromise?" Murray questioned. "Unitarians do not believe in a living God."
He added, "Most Unitarians are either agnostics or atheists and they surely do not believe in the deity of Jesus Christ."
As for Dean's children, Murray said, "it gets worse."
"The Deans told their children to pick a religion, any religion, and that they would not get involved in their decision one way or the other," Murray lamented.
The two children subsequently chose to become Jewish.
Dean himself parted ways with the Episcopal Church in the 1980's "over a dispute about the route of a public bike path through the church property," Murray wrote.
"Excuse me? Now, I would leave a church if they ordained female deacons or recruited a homosexual music minister...but a bike path?," exclaimed Murray.
Murray said Dean then joined the Congregationalist Church, but now "rarely, if ever, attends."
Citing the recent Boston Globe interview, Murray said Dean was careful not to mention Jesus Christ as being "the Son of God, as a part of the Trinity, or being in any way divine."
"Indeed, he talks of Christ in the past tense, as if He had died in the human sense," Murray contends. "Perhaps Howard Dean would have been better off in a Unitarian Church, but then he would have had trouble winning any elections as a member of a near atheistic institution."
Murray says this indecision about his faith is what makes Dean change his mind so often about what he believes on a daily basis. "One day [Dean] said he did not know if Usama bin Laden was guilty of 9-11 and that the man should get a fair trial," Murray wrote. "The next day he said Usama deserves the death penalty."
He continued, "[Dean] has stated that the United States should receive 'permission' from the United Nations before waging war and then said that the Iraqi people must determine their own fate."
Murray says this indecision about what Dean believes is evidence of someone who is "not of a single mind," alluding to possible schizophrenia, and that his run for president is both "pathetic and dangerous....[Murray said] "Further, I am sure that President George W. Bush would prefer to run on his merits and his faith against a more worthy opponent than Howard Dean."
"Hypocrite! First get rid of the log from your own eye; then perhaps you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend's eye.
Matthew 7:5
To my fellow devout Christians (I beg the pardon and indulgence of secularists reading here):
Who is William Murray to judge your spirit and mine..or Howard Dean's?
How does this stranger to my soul [William Murray] purport to know about what lies in the very depths of it?
This is as shameful a display of prejudice as I have seen.
Who is William Murray to judge who is mentally healthy?
He sounds like he's off his rocker himself!
William Murray...I command thee to take thy false piety and thy holier-than-thou barrage and shove it all up your pompous assumptions!
False judgement borne of prideful worldly grandiloquence is against all you have been taught if you are a true follower of the Christ. Your personal relationship with Christ cannot abode piously or truthfully in the same temple with a reliance upon false witness.
While people like William Murray seem to believe they own Christ and consider all other theology (liberal or other) as
something less than Christian, I tell them that Christ's heart bleeds every time they prejudge in His loving name and steal Christ for their own political game-playing.
I'm wagering William J Murray would have been ashamed to look Howard Dean square in the eye and say these things to him. After reading his words I see that William J Murray, in worldly weakness, has allowed politics and so-called patriotism to allow him to compromise his Christian goodness and love for his fellow men.
This may sound sinful, but I can clearly see that William J Murray is a hateful weasel with a political agenda.
If William J Murray is Christian, he should know this judgement is rightfully coming his way.
G-d is watching us.
Judge not lest ye be judged, William J Murray, you crazy ol' poopyhead.
Your fellow Christians are watching you.
You aren't getting away with this, you know.
We see your ugliness for what it is.
Your actions have nothing to do with the spirit of love or freedom.

Internet muse.
Daring, bold, never sold. My daily weblog of politics, humor, philosophy...and a constant and nagging reminder of the existence of universal love....
Friday, January 02, 2004
Election 2004: It's still wide open
Election 2004 Poll: It's still wide open
"..For the next year, presidential candidates will be working to win over roughly a fifth of the nation's voters who haven't made up their minds about which side to support...
In the most recent poll, the swing voters were more likely to be younger adults ages 18 and 39, those without college educations and political independents.....
Other closely divided groups that will be courted heavily during the campaign season are voters in the Midwest, suburban residents and Catholics, according to a Pew analysis done this fall.
Hispanics have tended to lean Democratic in past elections, but increasingly are considered swing voters."
"As long as the president has a stature gap on fighting terrorism," [pollster Andrew] Kohut said, "he has a trump card."
"..For the next year, presidential candidates will be working to win over roughly a fifth of the nation's voters who haven't made up their minds about which side to support...
In the most recent poll, the swing voters were more likely to be younger adults ages 18 and 39, those without college educations and political independents.....
Other closely divided groups that will be courted heavily during the campaign season are voters in the Midwest, suburban residents and Catholics, according to a Pew analysis done this fall.
Hispanics have tended to lean Democratic in past elections, but increasingly are considered swing voters."
"As long as the president has a stature gap on fighting terrorism," [pollster Andrew] Kohut said, "he has a trump card."
Best/Worst Corporateering Of 2003
Counter-Corporateering Blog:
The Worst Corporateers and Best Counter-Corporateering Of 2003
The notion that the free market is more important than the free society was pushed to new heights during 2003...
The Worst Corporateers and Best Counter-Corporateering Of 2003
The notion that the free market is more important than the free society was pushed to new heights during 2003...
More False Witnesses
How can prejudice affect a Christian’s witness?
*Alternate Title #1: "Lewis Golberg is a hypocrite, so sayeth Christ"
*Alternate Title #2: "Iddybud thinks Lewis Goldberg is a big ol' poopyhead"
I've asked you this question before.
Here's a new example. This person calls himself Lewis Goldberg. Beyond that, I know nothing about him..except that I think he's passing prejudgement on a soul he does not either know or possess. He sets the poorest example for true Christian witness.
*In my humble opinion, Lewis Goldberg might not know G-d if he stumbled over Him in his rush to prejudge his fellow man*
Just listen to the words of Christ according to His disciple Lewis Goldberg.
Lewis Golberg says:
"Mr. Dean, what kind of believer in Christ picks a wife that has no hope of salvation? Since you believe so strongly in your religion, what compelled you to share your life with someone who has not the new birth within her?
...what kind of Christian consigns his offspring to life on this earth outside the fellowship of believers, and an afterlife in the pits of Hell?..Mr. Dean, if you pretend to be a Christian, people will forget that you legalized abomination..Mr. Dean, Christ came to us to save sinners from damnation, which is pretty inspiring, but we doubt you ever thought about it....
"...Keeping more with (????)the Northeast tradition of not believing in G-d(????),
Dean is instead using religion as bait, hoping to snare voters desperately seeking a candidate that shares their values... we need no further proof than what is offered in the article, written by Globe Staff columnist Sarah Schweitzer, that Dean is no Christian. He is but a pretender to Christ's tender mercies, for a faith that is not manifest in the way one lives and works is no faith at all, but just another armband donned to show everyone how great someone is....
"Hypocrite! First get rid of the log from your own eye; then perhaps you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend's eye.
Matthew 7:5
To my fellow devout Christians (I beg the pardon and indulgence of secularists reading here):
Who is Lewis Goldberg to judge your spirit and mine..or Howard Dean's?
How does this stranger to my soul [Lewis Goldberg] purport to know about what lies in the very depths of it?
This is as shameful a display of prejudice as I have seen.
Lewis Goldberg...I command thee to take thy false piety and thy holier-than-thou barrage and shove it all up your pompous assumptions!
False judgement borne of prideful worldly grandiloquence is against all you have been taught if you are a true follower of the Christ. Your personal relationship with Christ cannot abode piously or truthfully in the same temple with a reliance upon false witness.
While people like Lewis Goldberg seem to believe they own Christ and consider all other theology (liberal or other) as
something less than Christian, I tell them that Christ's heart bleeds every time they prejudge in His loving name and steal Christ for their own political game-playing.
I'm wagering Lewis Goldberg would have been ashamed to look Howard Dean square in the eye and say these things to him. After reading his words I see that Lewis Goldberg, in worldly weakness, has allowed politics and so-called patriotism to allow him to compromise his Christian goodness and love for his fellow man.
This may sound sinful, but I think Lewis Goldberg is a hateful weasel with a political agenda.
If Lewis Goldberg is Christian, he should know this judgement is rightfully coming his way.
G-d is watching us.
Judge not lest ye be judged, Lewis Goldberg, you big ol' poopyhead.
"Our lord loves the country, he's with you at the polls
He knows the lever that you pull
He's keeping track of souls
The way it used to be
The way it ought to be
The way it's going to be again
And when we're in heaven you'll be sorry
When we're in heaven you'll be sorry
When we're in heaven you'll be sorry then.."
-Jill Sobule
*Alternate Title #1: "Lewis Golberg is a hypocrite, so sayeth Christ"
*Alternate Title #2: "Iddybud thinks Lewis Goldberg is a big ol' poopyhead"
I've asked you this question before.
Here's a new example. This person calls himself Lewis Goldberg. Beyond that, I know nothing about him..except that I think he's passing prejudgement on a soul he does not either know or possess. He sets the poorest example for true Christian witness.
*In my humble opinion, Lewis Goldberg might not know G-d if he stumbled over Him in his rush to prejudge his fellow man*
Just listen to the words of Christ according to His disciple Lewis Goldberg.
Lewis Golberg says:
"Mr. Dean, what kind of believer in Christ picks a wife that has no hope of salvation? Since you believe so strongly in your religion, what compelled you to share your life with someone who has not the new birth within her?
...what kind of Christian consigns his offspring to life on this earth outside the fellowship of believers, and an afterlife in the pits of Hell?..Mr. Dean, if you pretend to be a Christian, people will forget that you legalized abomination..Mr. Dean, Christ came to us to save sinners from damnation, which is pretty inspiring, but we doubt you ever thought about it....
"...Keeping more with (????)the Northeast tradition of not believing in G-d(????),
Dean is instead using religion as bait, hoping to snare voters desperately seeking a candidate that shares their values... we need no further proof than what is offered in the article, written by Globe Staff columnist Sarah Schweitzer, that Dean is no Christian. He is but a pretender to Christ's tender mercies, for a faith that is not manifest in the way one lives and works is no faith at all, but just another armband donned to show everyone how great someone is....
"Hypocrite! First get rid of the log from your own eye; then perhaps you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend's eye.
Matthew 7:5
To my fellow devout Christians (I beg the pardon and indulgence of secularists reading here):
Who is Lewis Goldberg to judge your spirit and mine..or Howard Dean's?
How does this stranger to my soul [Lewis Goldberg] purport to know about what lies in the very depths of it?
This is as shameful a display of prejudice as I have seen.
Lewis Goldberg...I command thee to take thy false piety and thy holier-than-thou barrage and shove it all up your pompous assumptions!
False judgement borne of prideful worldly grandiloquence is against all you have been taught if you are a true follower of the Christ. Your personal relationship with Christ cannot abode piously or truthfully in the same temple with a reliance upon false witness.
While people like Lewis Goldberg seem to believe they own Christ and consider all other theology (liberal or other) as
something less than Christian, I tell them that Christ's heart bleeds every time they prejudge in His loving name and steal Christ for their own political game-playing.
I'm wagering Lewis Goldberg would have been ashamed to look Howard Dean square in the eye and say these things to him. After reading his words I see that Lewis Goldberg, in worldly weakness, has allowed politics and so-called patriotism to allow him to compromise his Christian goodness and love for his fellow man.
This may sound sinful, but I think Lewis Goldberg is a hateful weasel with a political agenda.
If Lewis Goldberg is Christian, he should know this judgement is rightfully coming his way.
G-d is watching us.
Judge not lest ye be judged, Lewis Goldberg, you big ol' poopyhead.
"Our lord loves the country, he's with you at the polls
He knows the lever that you pull
He's keeping track of souls
The way it used to be
The way it ought to be
The way it's going to be again
And when we're in heaven you'll be sorry
When we're in heaven you'll be sorry
When we're in heaven you'll be sorry then.."
-Jill Sobule
What Ever Happened to Peace on Earth
Willie Nelson writes song titled "What Ever Happened to Peace on Earth" on Christmas Day..
...plans to perform song at Kucinich rally....
..rightwing journalist at World Net Daily indirectly connects Willie Nelson with terror groups to punish him for the heartfelt song.
"I don't care if people say, 'Who the hell does he think he is?' I know who I am."
-Willie Nelson
...plans to perform song at Kucinich rally....
..rightwing journalist at World Net Daily indirectly connects Willie Nelson with terror groups to punish him for the heartfelt song.
"I don't care if people say, 'Who the hell does he think he is?' I know who I am."
-Willie Nelson
What Ever Happened to Peace on Earth
There's so many things going on in the world
Babies dying
Mothers crying
How much oil is one human life worth
And what ever happened to peace on earth
We believe everything that they tell us
They're gonna' kill us
So we gotta' kill them first
But I remember a commandment
Thou shall not kill
How much is that soldier's life worth
And whatever happened to peace on earth
And the bewildered herd is still believing
Everything we've been told from our birth
Hell they won't lie to me
Not on my own damn TV
But how much is a liar's word worth
And whatever happened to peace on earth
So I guess it's just
Do unto others before they do it to you
Let's just kill em' all and let God sort em' out
Is this what God wants us to do
(Repeat Bridge)
And the bewildered herd is still believing
Everything we've been told from our birth
Hell they won't lie to me
Not on my own damn TV
But how much is a liar's word worth
And whatever happened to peace on earth
Now you probably won't hear this on your radio
Probably not on your local TV
But if there's a time, and if you're ever so inclined
You can always hear it from me
How much is one picker's word worth
And whatever happened to peace on earth
But don't confuse caring for weakness
You can't put that label on me
The truth is my weapon of mass protection
And I believe truth sets you free
And the bewildered herd is still believing
Everything we've been told from our birth
Hell they won't lie to me
Not on my own damn TV
But how much is a liar's word worth
And whatever happened to peace on earth
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