March 25 News and Views Karl Rove's Moment-
How "Bush's Brain" hijacked Washington, D.C. and politics-as-usual.The amazing thing about 2004 is not that a radical, reckless president has the chance to be reelected; the amazing thing is that, in the face of a political establishment and a news media that rarely said boo to George W. Bush, millions and millions of people have his number anyway. Where the people are concerned, therefore, Karl and W are forced to make a dicier bet--against public memory, decency, and self-interest. It isn't clear yet whether terror fears and "wedge" issues like gay marriage, guns, and religion will once again divert sufficient numbers of people from more pressing matters, such as their own livelihoods. Maybe not.
On the other hand, Karl Rove has yet to lose a race by underestimating the integrity and rationality of American electoral politics.
Guardian Unlimited - The battle of the airwaves in America:
Sarcastic, bilious and very rightwing, talk radio host Rush Limbaugh has become one of the most powerful voices in American politics. Can a group of liberals really beat him at his own game?
Paul Krugman - Lifting the Shroud
Dan Frosch, AlterNet: The Burden of Conscience
TAP: President Bush says we're winning the war on terrorism. As with so many things, however, his math doesn't add up.
On March 18, President Bush declared that U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan have made "America more secure." There have been more al-Qaeda-linked attacks internationally since September 11 than in the eight years before it.
9-11 Commission
Yahoo: Families of 9/11 Victims Laud Clarke for Apology
Center for American Progress - 9/11: Internal Government Documents
NYT:Assessing the Blame for 9/11
The real impression gleaned from the hearings is not that the Bush administration was indifferent to the threat of terror, but that its officials had trouble fully understanding it.Their mind-set did not allow for the possibility of an extranational threat not orchestrated by any one particular government.
AlterNet - White House Tailspin
I saw 'Yellowcake' Hadley on 60 minutes last Sunday trying to lie his way out of admitting there was the alleged
find-blame-on-Iraq meeting in the situation room with the President and Richard Clarke just after 9-11. I saw Leslie Stahl shoot ol' Yellowcake down with proof of there being at least two witnesses to the meeting. In this article, it says:
Deputy National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley – the same man who ignored CIA orders to remove false uranium claims from the President's pre-war State of the Union – defended the Administration by saying, "All the chatter [before 9/11] was of an attack, a potential Al Qaeda attack overseas." But according to page 204 of the bipartisan 9/11 congressional report, "In May 2001, the intelligence community obtained a report that Bin Laden supporters were planning to infiltrate the United States" to "carry out a terrorist operation using high explosives."
Yellowcake Hadley is caught once again. Say, why hasn't anyone ever gotten around to firing this lying fellow? Some would tell me I should leave him alone. I guess he's only "
representing"..his superior liars, that is. editorial: Documentation of Plans to Crash Airplanes Into Buildings that Bush and Condi Claim They Knew Nothing About*
*I've read most of this evidence in the past. The sane person would ask herself, "
Why do you feel you must keep repeating these truths?" My answer would be: "
Yeah, it looks a little crazy, doesn't it? You'd think the public would get it by now. You'd think the media would get it by now. You'd think........" Anyhow, here we go again! White House con-men have big megaphones which never stop bleating, repeating the misleading. So call me competition, already.
Misleader: Bush Administration Resorts to Lies About 9/11
Washington Post: Transcript of Wednesday's 9/11 Commission Hearings
The Memory Hole: 5-Minute Video of George W. Bush on the Morning of 9/11
Kerry vs. Bush
NY Times - As Gasoline Hits Record Price, Bush, Kerry and Democrats Spar Over Policy and Next Move
National Review - SecDef McCain: Is John McCain auditioning for a non-veep Kerry admin spot? by Rich Lowry
The Miami Herald - Kerry says Bush is soft on Chávez
*Note: see
Kerry's statement on Venezuela
The Village Voice - Day by Day, Death by Death: A Chronology of U.S. Military Fatalities Since
'Mission Accomplished,' Part I
Yahoo! News - Bush Briefed on Al Qaeda Threat Before Taking Office - Bush's 9/11 myths endanger U.S.
MSNBC- 11 Iraqi police killed in ambushes
TIME Magazine - How We Got Homeland Security Wrong
Guerrilla News Network - Secrecy: The Real Mother of Terror by Colonel Daniel Smith, USA (Ret.) - Bush's Terror Hysteria
Political Comedy:
Fake Ad/Howard Bad American Presidents, We Salute You