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Daring, bold, never sold. My daily weblog of politics, humor, philosophy...and a constant and nagging reminder of the existence of universal love....
Sunday, October 05, 2003
The Long Haul
The Long Haul
Sunday, October 5, 2003; Page B07
Bush May Be In Too Deep In Iraq Failure To Tell Allies, Iraqis, And The People The Truth
"...The administration has embarked on a high-risk strategy -- that we can fix Iraq better and faster by ourselves than with others -- in the hope that we will win the race between dramatic improvement on the ground and the American people's loss of patience as they come to realize that we are in this largely alone. But to succeed, we need a strategy that is sustainable. As others have said, reconstructing Iraq is a marathon, not the sprint the administration assumed."
Jamie Doran-- 'Afghan Massacre: The Convoy Of Death'
Producer-director of 'Afghan Massacre: The Convoy Of Death'
This interview originally appeared on BuzzFlash, the pro-democracy news source.
This riveting documentary charges that American forces were present at and permitted the massacre of approximately 3,000 Taliban prisoners. Although it has been shown in Europe, "Afghan Massacre: The Convoy of Death" has received virtual little distribution or air time in the United States...."
**Note- It was broadcast tonight over American airwaves..I saw a portion of it on satellite television.**
Dad of slain agent calls CIA's leak 'treason'
Dad of slain agent calls CIA's leak 'treason'
October 3, 2003
Chicago Sun Times
WASHINGTON -- The father of slain CIA officer Johnny ''Mike'' Spann said Thursday he believes an independent counsel should investigate allegations that someone in the Bush administration exposed a CIA officer's identity -- an act he called treasonous.
Spann, the first American killed in Afghanistan, died in a prison uprising. His father, also named Johnny Spann, said he is still angry because he feels his son's identity and hometown were disclosed before his son's family could be adequately protected..."
Truth may be slowly emerging about Iraq
by James O. Goldsborough
October 2, 2003
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American voters lose faith in Bush's foreign policy
By Rupert Cornwell in Washington
04 October 2003
Independent UK
Reporters Trapped by a Promise
Unnamed Sources At Issue in CIA Leak
By Howard Kurtz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, October 5, 2003; Page A01
"....There are at least six people in Washington who know the answer to the city's most politically charged mystery in years. And they're not talking.
That's because they're journalists..."
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"...critics say journalists sometimes abuse their power by allowing prosecutors -- such as Kenneth Starr during the Clinton impeachment, or authorities in the sexual assault case against Kobe Bryant -- to leak damaging details without having to go on the record..."
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"..Protecting sources is important, said Joe Conason, a columnist for Salon.com, but sometimes "you reach a breaking point with it."
"The knee-jerk reaction -- 'Oh no, these are sources and we can't talk about it' -- is a little too easy," Conason said. He said most of the journalists who received the CIA information "had this prod from the White House to go after Joe Wilson, and they didn't report that the White House was out to get a critic. Whenever Bill Clinton was seen to be doing something like that, it was always big news."
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