Sunday, June 25, 2006

Amnesty for Murderers: Will the Blood of US Troops Be on Bush Republicans?

Amnesty for Murderers: Will the Blood of US Troops Be on Bush Republicans?

Many partisan Republicans find it repulsive to entertain the thought of amnesty for harmless Mexican immigrants whose only crime was crossing the border illegally and being hired by unethical American businesses.

The same partisan Republicans support Iraq leader al-Maliki's proposal of amnesty for insurgents whose crime was to MURDER our American soldiers.

If Republicans support this Iraqi amnesty proposal as part of the new government's so-called "reconciliation plan," then the blood of every single American - every smothered gleam in some mother's eye - murdered by insurgents from that day forward will be on the hands of the Republicans who got behind such a heinous proposal in a sick attempt to salvage George W. Bush's mess!

It's now past the appropriate time to have begun to bring these brave men and women home and intelligently end the military occupation of Iraq. The clock is ticking.