I attended the second conference of the Network of Spiritual Progressives in D.C. last week. I'll be blogging about it soon.
Online Now:
Group has faith-based alternative to the right [DailyBulletin.com]
Progressives Reignite Spiritual Activist Movement [Beliefnet]
PastorDan's thoughts
Religious Liberals Gain New Visibility: A Different List Of Moral Issues [Washington Post cover story]
Rev. John Dear: "Don't Give Up: Keep the Movement Moving" [Political Affairs Mag]
Interview with Rabbi Michael Lerner [WorkingForChange]
A quote from Rabbi Michael Lerner:
"...what I call for as the fundamental ethos or the fundamental central organizing idea of a progressive movement is a call for a new bottom line or, in more technical terms, a new definition of productivity, efficiency and rationality so that institutions are judged rational, efficient and productive not only to the extent that they maximize money and power, but also to the extent that they maximize love and caring, kindness and generosity, ethical and ecological sensitivity, enhance our capacity to respond to other human beings as embodiments of the sacred, and enhance our capacity to respond to the universe with awe and wonder, and radical amazement at the grandeur of all that is in this universe."