Tenor of Bush Campaign: Play Base
The Bushites are approaching the presidential election campaign in much
the same way that they have approached their political agenda over the past four years.
Play only to your avid supporters. Give them what they want and talk out the other side of your face about the good you're doing for the other 53% of America.
Ram idiotic talking points down the neck of the media and listen to those points warble and worm back up the parrot-throats of cable news networks 24/7.
If that fails to work, just lie.
Don't worry--it doesn't matter if it's ludicrous on its face.
What is in the military record and has not been disputed for 40 years means nothing when you have a media who will talk about any old reckless subject day in/day out.
Go ahead. Get some nice fellows together to raise up doubts that any rational person would dismiss as nonsense.
Give them plenty of money to place a few TV ads and Brit Hume and William Kristol will do the rest.
A lazy recipe for Republican election success?
-Go negative on your opponent hoping swing voters will stay at home on election day (while constantly reminding them they might be attacked by terrorists come voting-time).
-Play to your base--only your base. Screw the rest of them. Watch out especially for those precious under-45 white males from small towns and rural areas. They've got your back.
-Don't allow anyone to hear you publically speak if they have any small quarrel with the fact that they have you figured out.
-Have plenty of friends in corporate media who will keep their cameras off thousands of pesky protesters.
-Avoid talking about your actual record at all costs.
-Code words: Tax-cuts, tax-cuts, tax-cuts.
-Trot out the "Three Ms": The Moderates, the Matrons, and the Minorities in numbers incredibly disproportionate to the reality of your voting bloc.
Soon, the Republican party will trot out their most popular moderates (and one traitorous Democrat) to put a happy face on what has actually been a radical agenda without a mandate, a piss-poor jobless economic recovery, and an unnecessary war for which we were misled and unprepared.